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We popose our knowledge on by-products and bioactive moieties applications in Ruminant and Chicken Nutrition and to participate a active partner in a consortium

WATER FARMING a:1:{s:64:”wpcf-fields-checkboxes-option-2750a60e1b8249b479e53af096e7013a-1″;a:1:{i:0;s:188:”Topic 1.2.1 (IA) Increasing environmental and socio-economic performance of small-scale farming systems through improvements in organisational aspects and new value chain governance models”;}} AGROFOOD NEXUS…

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Section 2 Results are out!

…Recherche pour L’Agriculture, L’Alimentation et L’Environnement – Centre de Recherche Paca – Biodiversité et Biotechnologie Fongiques       FR     FR (2), SP (1), IT (2), MA (3),…

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Farming systems in the Nexus

…women and men in the community. The proposed dry-farming system incorporates modern water harvesting techniques inspired by traditional practices, such as rainwater harvesting, atmospheric moisture capture, and rehabilitating ancestral structures…

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