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We would like to join as an organization partner of a consortium working to alleviate water scarcity and promote water management and sustainability in arid and semi-arid Mediterranean areas.

WATER a:2:{s:64:”wpcf-fields-checkboxes-option-708802c4ab3704af227a74d0d882ec87-1″;a:1:{i:0;s:142:”Topic 1.1.1 (RIA) Sustainable soil and water management for combating land degradation and desertification and promoting ecosystem restoration”;}s:64:”wpcf-fields-checkboxes-option-fd49cdd39d61e5ef160cc6344db56384-1″;a:1:{i:0;s:92:”Topic 2.1.1 (RIA) Alleviating Mediterranean water scarcity through adaptive water governance”;}} FARMING…

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ECO is a patent owner , multiple awards winning , only Egyptian food dehydrators provider offer expertise about creating creative forms of healthy food , improving socioeconomic conditions of small holder farmers , increasing food security without additional stress on scarce natural resources , sustainable food preservation methods , enabling famers access high value distant markets

…of UNDP/Ideas/EBN international award on human development innovations and honored in the Royal academy of sciences Brussels, international winner of ENERGY GLOBE award Austria , winner of GREEN APPLE award…

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