- Mohamed Ahmed Abdrabbo
- Mohamed Ahmed Abdrabbo
- [email protected]
- 01148581246
- Egypt
- Agricultural Research Center (ARC)
- Research Organisation (Public)
Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC) belongs to the Agricultural Research Center. The mandate of CLAC is to conduct research and capacity-building programs related to different applications of daily weather data on both current and future agricultural activity levels through the use of simulation and mathematical models, to estimate water requirements, fertilization, pest and disease forecasting, chilling, and heating units in the light of gained agro-climatological date and GIS applications. CLAC produced many computer software related to integrated farm management for many horticultural crops; 11 software programs have intellectual patent rights. The last program was produced for Android language to be able to be used by mobile phones for integrated management of olive and pomegranate.
The major objective of CLAC is to establish an Agro-meteorological network covering the agricultural area including both old and newly reclaimed areas. The network aims to study agriculture climate and its changes, to avoid extreme losses that may happen in the agriculture sector, particularly in the irrigated areas. Modern automated weather stations covered 24 governorates as well as newly reclaimed areas. CLAC provides the agriculture sector with the climate data for all climatic zones in Egypt and collaborates with different research institutes to release proper recommendations for farmers.
CLAC consists of four research departments, namely:
1. Agrometeorological Application Research Department.
2. Soilless Culture Research Department.
3. Biological Agriculture Research Department.
4. Climate Modification Research Department. - Topic 1.1.1-2024 (IA) Sustainability of Mediterranean irrigated agriculture through the implementation of WEFE Nexus approach.
- Topic 1.2.1-2024 (IA) Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean dry farming systems using water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought in arid and semi-arid environments. | Topic 2.2.1 (RIA ) Revitalizing agroforestry practices for sustainable land use and climate resilience in the Mediterranean region
- Topic 1.3.1-2024 (IA) – Developing cost-effective and sustainable technologies adapted to Mediterranean Food Systems to decrease food loss and waste. | Topic 2.3.1-2024 (RIA ) Leveraging urban and local food systems for sustainable food systems transformation
CLAC works on modifying the microclimate to improve the quality and productivity of different vegetable crops grown in a greenhouse.
Enhancement of soilless culture techniques for vegetables, ornamental, and fruit production in the uncultivable soils. CLAC adopted a soilless culture and created the roof garden systems from 2002 till now which have existed in all governorates and some Arabian countries using the same system developed by CLAC staff. CLAC also produces mushroom spores for small-scale farmers and conducts applied research for the best management for producing mushrooms using cheap local materials. CLAC conducted comprehensive investigations of Nile Delta and Valley agricultural areas using GIS applications.
Maximizing of food security level under current and future climate change conditions through the establishment of adaptation strategies to relieve the adverse impact of climate changes on the agricultural sector in Egypt.
CLAC established the idea of using a screen net to cover tropical fruits to protect the plants and productivity during extreme weather events from 2006 till now, this technique has been adopted last few years by small and big farmers. -
Irrigation management, on-farm irrigation management, Water requirement for crops based on climatic data