- Olivier de Champris
- Director
- [email protected],
- +33 (0)6 85 58 5108,
- France
- Small or Medium Enterprise (SME)
OZOVAL is an Innovative French Company, specializing in the field of water and air
treatment without adding chemicals and operating using Renewable Energy.
OZOVAL has developed a new chemical free technology for effluent treatment and
recycling of all kind of pollution, including toxic products such as Ammoniac, Nitrates,
Phosphates, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Copper, and Medical Residuals.
The technology is based on an in-house developed patent, called Hybrid Ozonation, using
either a new ozone criteria and/or its enhanced high potential oxidation.
The nucleus technology of Hybrid Ozonation can be adapted to different application such as
drinkable water, food sterilization, domestic wastewater treatment, recycling for irrigation,
water desalination, medical/health applications, ...
OZOVAL has an intensive R&D program as to improve quality, performance or energy
consumption of this technology.
The R&D program has succeeded to significantly reduce the ozone water treatment’s cost
Furthermore, several additional patents are introduced new chemical free technologies for
different application fields, for example micropollutants treatment and against antibiotic
resistant bacteria.
OZOVAL philosophy is to give access for everybody to a Pure Recycling Water and a Pure
Recycling Air, in respect with the environment.
OZOVAL business strategy is to provide Hybrid Ozonation systems for the following
market sectors: Industrial effluent treatment, quick decision process to assist in cases of public
pressure), Bottling water treatment (drinking and waste), Food storage and sterilization
(meats, fruits, vegetables and bottling), Municipal water treatment, Cooling towers,
Swimming pools, Air treatment… - Topic 1.1.1-2024 (IA) Sustainability of Mediterranean irrigated agriculture through the implementation of WEFE Nexus approach.
- Topic 1.2.1-2024 (IA) Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean dry farming systems using water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought in arid and semi-arid environments.
Technology Provider
Wastewater, Ozone, Recycling Water, Green Hydorgen