- Marta Tacão
- Marta Tacão
- [email protected]
- 00351234370970
- Portugal
- University of Aveiro
- Secondary or Higher Education Establishment
The University of Aveiro is a highly regarded institution of research led education, constituted by university departments, research units, polytechnic schools, interface units, and a vocational education network. Its integrated structure permits the articulation and harmonisation of the teaching and research environments, and enables the construction of individual educational paths, from post-secondary technological specialisation programmes to doctoral degrees.
- Topic 2.1.1-2024 (RIA ) Effective water accounting approaches under crisis conditions: climate change and external shocks
- Topic 1.2.1-2024 (IA) Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean dry farming systems using water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought in arid and semi-arid environments. | Topic 2.2.1 (RIA ) Revitalizing agroforestry practices for sustainable land use and climate resilience in the Mediterranean region
- Topic 2.3.1-2024 (RIA ) Leveraging urban and local food systems for sustainable food systems transformation
Our team is largely experienced in handling different environmental sample types, from pristine to contaminated waters, irrigation waters, wastewater, soil and plants. We have skills in culture-dependent and independent methodologies for the analysis of complex microbial communities or characterization of microbial strains. Moreover, we have the facilities and knowledge for handling large sequence data and analysis, genome assembly and annotation, whole-genome based analysis for taxonomic inference and resistome and mobilome description. We are experienced for example in the characterization of fungal and bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere or endophytic communities, plant-associated diseases, antibiotic resistant bacteria virulence traits, pathogenicity traits or identification and characterization of plant-growth promoters. More info in our website: http://biomicrolab.wix.com/microlab
microbiology, metagenomics, microbiome analysis, NGS data, bioinformatics; microbial communities monitorization, PGPB, pathogeneicity