- Bouzaher mohamed taher
- research director
- [email protected]
- +213668770324
- Algeria
- The Scientific and Technical Research Center on Arid Regions ''Omar EL-BERNAOUI'' (C.R.S.T.R.A.)
- Research Organisation (Public)
The Scientific and Technical Research Center on Arid Regions ''Omar EL-BERNAOUI'' (C.R.S.T.R.A.) is a Public Scientific and Technical Establishment Created in December 14, 1991. among the CRSTRA missions the center is responsible for carry out Scientific and Technical Research programs on Arid Regions and threatened by desertification; Undertake and/or participate in any multidisciplinary research relating to Arid Regions; Establish a scientific and technical database on Arid Regions and ensure its processing, conservation and dissemination;Participate in any research on understanding and combating human vulnerability to environmental change.
- Topic 1.1.1-2024 (IA) Sustainability of Mediterranean irrigated agriculture through the implementation of WEFE Nexus approach.
- Topic 1.3.1-2024 (IA) – Developing cost-effective and sustainable technologies adapted to Mediterranean Food Systems to decrease food loss and waste.
Expanding and maintaining irrigated agricultural areas represents the first challenge to get enough food in the Mediterranean region due to the water scarcity and declining resource efficiency. On the other hand, preserving food and reducing waste represents a different kind of challenge that may be due to the culture of the consumer or even the producer. To find solutions to these complex issues, a full approach, which considers the interconnections between water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) is required.
Proposed Collaboration:
As a partner in the PRIMA project, My collaboration can be structured around the axis of Integration of Renewable Energy Solutions in agricultural practices. Due to my background in energy engineering, exactly in solar drying systems, water cooling tower systems, and thermal storage systems. -
Solar drying systems, Water cooling tower systems, Thermal storage systems, Renewable Energy