- Mouhbi rabiaa
- Mouhbi rabiaa
- [email protected]
- 00216 99383691
- Tunisia
- Research Organisation (Public)
The Sylvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka is an agricultural research and higher education establishment under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries (IRESA) and that of Higher Education, Scientific Research (UUNIVERSITE JENDOUBA).
Sylvo-Pastoral Resources Laboratory:
Improved knowledge of the functioning of forest ecosystems, particularly oak groves and pine forests.
Study of the dynamics of these ecosystems and attempts to predict their future in relation to the various environmental factors, particularly climatic and anthropogenic ones.
Safeguarding forest ecosystems through
knowledge of the factors of degradation: parasitism, predation, insect attacks, harmful interventions by humans and their livestock, etc., and the fight against them.
Valorization of natural resources through fodder production, eco-tourism, wood, non-wood products, etc.
Improvement of reforestation techniques, exploitation, etc. -
Selected agroforestry systems will include both traditional and modern land-use systems where trees are managed together with crops and/or animal production systems in agricultural settings.
Delve into traditional and innovative sustainable, climate neutral and biodiversity friendly farming systems to identify the best practices to manage them and to connect them to sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems. -
pastures , agroforestry, Protected Areas, Sustainable Food System