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War in Ukraine: a plea from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Professor Riccaboni among the signatories.

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The Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDNS) launches a call for the rapid resolution of the war in Ukraine, a message addressed to all Member Countries of the United Nations and their leaders.

Released on Thursday, April 14, the plea, firstly signed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director, Center for Sustainable Development – Columbia University, was also endorsed by the Members of the Leadership Council, including prof Angelo Riccaboni, Professor, School of Economics and Management, University of Siena and Chair, PRIMA Foundation.

The signatories are asking to all nations to establish a ceasefire and to take the path of dialogue and diplomacy; they recognize the UN Security Council’s key role in restoring peace; they claim a true negotiation guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The fundamental role of Universities and education is also underlined, not only as a source of scientific and technical knowledge to reach sustainable development but also as a way to learn about the paths that bring peace and peaceful conflict resolution, through negotiation and compromise.

“In the spirit of the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we call on all nations of the UN General Assembly, unanimously and without exception, to adopt a resolution calling for an urgent negotiated peace that meets the needs and security of Ukraine, Russia, and all other nations.

We call on the UN Security Council to meet in an emergency session, for as long as necessary, to ensure that the full weight of the UN Charter is brought to bear to end the war in Ukraine through diplomatic means.

We call on permanent members of the UNSC to negotiate with diplomacy rather than rancor and to recognize that true peace must meet the security needs of all countries[…].

[…] we call on all governments and politicians to emphasize the cause of diplomacy and to tamp down the vitriol, calls for escalation, and even open contemplation of a global war. Global war today must remain unthinkable, as it would be nothing other than a suicide pact for humanity, or a murderous pact of politicians.

Peace is not appeasement, and peacemakers are not cowards. Peacemakers are the bravest defenders of humanity.”

The full message is available here
