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PRIMA in the MedThink5+5 Thematic Seminar: “Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Mediterranean”

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Octavi Quintana, Director of PRIMA, has represented PRIMA at the MedThink5+5 Thematic Seminar: “Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Mediterranean” discussing the importance of fostering research and innovation for climate change adaptation in the water sector. He emphasised: The war in Ukraine means that the EU should look more to the Mediterranean. Cereal prices have substantially increased. It will create social and political unrest and also more migration in the Mediterranean. Also, gas coming from the Region will have more importance when Russian gas import decreases.


Know all details here: Reforçar la resiliència climàtica a la Mediterrània Occidental: El nexe entre l’aigua i l’adaptació al canvi climàtic : IEMed
