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Date: June 30, 2022, at 09:00

The objective of the meeting is to capitalize on the projects funded by Era-Nets programmes in particular, Arimnet and Era-Net-Med.  The event will be also the opportunity to provide visibility to project results, share best practices and enhance their networking.

The project PHEMAC (project funded under PRIMA 2019-NEXUS-CSA) will provide services and explore ways how to help already finished projects to valorize their results and understand the support actions, tools, incentives, or instruments that projects may require to reach the market, depending on their maturity stage.

The joint event will be held entirely online. It will be highly interactive with discussions triggered by moderators tasked to review the state-of-the-art of the results and main outputs, outcomes, and impacts of the funded projects. Coordinators will summarize their projects through an impact pathway canvas. Breakout Groups will offer opportunities to give easier discussion in different thematic areas 1) Water Management, 2) Farming systems, 3) Agro-food value chains, and 4) Nexus.

As a result of the event, once disclosed main achieved outputs, outcomes, and impacts, it will be possible to provide wider visibility and opportunity for brokerage and match-making with interested stakeholders from the private sector as well as a final assessment of the maturity results of the said projects, through PHEMAC platform (iHub).

To register, please complete the online form via this link. A confirmation email will be sent automatically zoom platform.


09:00 – 09:15 Main objectives, methodology, and expectations (Octavi Quintana)
09:15 – 09:30 Current situations on funded projects (Antonella Autino, Florence Jacquet,
Maroun Elmoujabber, Maurice Heral)
09:30– 09:45 PHEMAC, the project, and the iHub platform. Initial general overview of
observed trends. (Gustavo Perez (UAB), Majid M. AlSadek (ECITD),
Danilo Giacomi (NET7))
09:45 – 10:15 Projects to the Market:

  • The Horizon Results Booster services META Group-Horizon booster
    (Lorenzo Barabani)
  • BUSINESSMED (M. Sgheir Ben Youssef)
  • ASCAME ( Anwar Zibaoui)
    10:15 – 10:30 Project’s pathway to impact (Sylvain PERRET, CIRAD)
    10:30 – 10:45 Discussion
    10:45 – 11:00 Break
    11:00 – 12:30 Break out groups:
    1)Water/Energy/NEXUS (Gustavo Perez, UAB).
    2)Farming/Agro-Food (Nadim Farajalla, AUB)
    Introduction to the employed algorithm and the five pillars to understand the
    commercialization potential of project outputs (Nadim Farajalla, AUB).
    A common session for both groups. 5 min.
    General presentation of specific trends observed within each thematic group
    (Gustavo Perez, UAB). The common session for both groups. 5 min.
    The individual session, for each group. During the breakout group session,
    coordinators of selected projects, according to the evaluation of their
    commercialisation maturity, will present their results and expectations
    (selected projects will be informed in advance). 80 min.
  • Presentation of two cases: a project closer to the Market and a project far
    from the market
  • Discussion around hindering and supporting factors for each one of the
    five pillars analysed by the PHEMAC algorithm.
    12:30 – 13:00 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
