- kherifi wahida
- Researche
- [email protected]
- 00213671 29 65 40
- Algeria
- Scientific and Technical research center of rigion area. (CRSTRA)
- Research Organisation (Public)
The Centre for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions (C.R.S.T.R.A) is a public institution of a scientific and technical nature (EPST) established by Decree No. 91-478 of December 14th, 1991, as amended by Decree No. 185 of December 1st, 2003 and governed by executive decree No. 83-521 of September 10th, 1983.
The head office is domiciled in Biskra, Algeria.
CRSTRA is tasked with the following missions:
- To carry out scientific and technical research programs on arid regions and/or regions threatened with drought or desertification
- To undertake and/or participate in an multidisciplinary research on Arid Zones;
- To constitute a scientific and technical databank on arid regions and to process, to store and to disseminate these data;
- To participate in any research aimed at understanding and fighting against human vulnerability to environmental changes. - Topic 1.1.1-2023 (IA) Integrated adaptive wastewater management plans in the Mediterranean region.
- Topic 1.2.1-2023 (IA) Actions to restore and return degraded lands in the Mediterranean region into productive agroecosystems. | Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) A step toward carbon-neutral farms: coupling renewable energy sources with circular farming systems.
- Topic 1.3.1-2023 (RIA) Increasing agri-food supply chain (cereal) resilience in the MENA region. | Topic 2.3.1-2023 (RIA) Assessing novel antimicrobial food packaging and coating materials to reduce food waste to improve safety in the Mediterranean food supply chain.
- Topic 1.4.1-2023 (IA) Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.
Looking to join as a partner in watyer management
wastewater treatment, water traitement ,quality of water ., environemnt.