- Tawfik Ismail
- Professor, Director of Wireless Intelligent Research Center (WINC)
- [email protected]
- 01101397777
- Nile University
- Research Organisation (Private)
Nile University (NU) is a world-class research institution of learning committed to excellence in education, research, entrepreneurship, and innovation. NU is an Ahleya and a non-profit university and one of the very first Ahleya universities in Egypt.
- Topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA) New governance models to define best practices for sustainable water management and conflict mitigation.
- Topic 1.3.1-2023 (RIA) Increasing agri-food supply chain (cereal) resilience in the MENA region.
- Topic 1.4.1-2023 (IA) Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.
I could participate in implementing the IoT system, including the physical environment, communication protocols, digital environment, and required AI/ML algorithms for data mining and processing.