Today is the International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and girls and raising awareness of the importance of their role in society. It is also a day to remember that a persistent gender gap in access to research and innovation still exists and that solutions and actions must be put in place in order to build together a more sustainable and more inclusive future, addressing gender equality in Research and Innovation.
As set out in the EC Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025, the European Commission is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation and to a wider engagement in all EU policies.
In line with this vision, the PRIMA program strives to enforce its regulatory framework on gender equality in all dimensions, which is widely applied through its various organs and operations of the funded projects, extending to the final beneficiaries. and target groups.
At PRIMA, what does the gender balance look like?
After the first four years of implementation (2018-2021), it is time to analyze gender equality and women’s participation at both program and project levels with the aim to:
1) emphasis the essential roles of women
2) identify actions/decisions to foster women’s active engagement.
This 8 March, PRIMA is presenting its Gender report and policy brief reflecting a complete analysis punctuated by policy recommendations for participating states, projects beneficiaries, scientific society communities and also the private sector.
The brief purpose is to achieve better gender equality at all levels (macro-meso-micro) with the aim to:
- Empower the active participation of female decision-makers, researchers, and beneficiaries in the Mediterranean territory,
- Advance scientific quality and the base and relevance of produced knowledge, technology, and decisions that have societal values,
- Upgrade the rigor, reproducibility, and generalizability of science and innovation culture in the Mediterranean area
You can download and read the Gender report and policy brief here: