- Hart Ford
- MENA Regional Director
- [email protected]
- +96176421616
- France
- Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
ACTED is an INGO headquartered in France and with operational offices in Libya, Tunisia, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Turkey. ACTED aims to simultaneously tackle the issues of exclusion, poverty and climate change, implementing approximately 170 projects in the MENA region per year, which include direct support to 60 municipalities, 191 civil society organizations, and more than 1,500 local MSMEs (including farmers/agriculturalists). It's strong relationships with relevant local actors make it well placed to support piloting, roll out and scale up of innovative solutions.
- Topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA) New governance models to define best practices for sustainable water management and conflict mitigation.
- Topic 1.2.1-2023 (IA) Actions to restore and return degraded lands in the Mediterranean region into productive agroecosystems. | Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) A step toward carbon-neutral farms: coupling renewable energy sources with circular farming systems.
- Topic 1.3.1-2023 (RIA) Increasing agri-food supply chain (cereal) resilience in the MENA region. | Topic 2.3.1-2023 (RIA) Assessing novel antimicrobial food packaging and coating materials to reduce food waste to improve safety in the Mediterranean food supply chain.
- Topic 1.4.1-2023 (IA) Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.
Seeking to join a consortium and support in field level roll out and liaison with stakeholders
food water energy nexus, circular economy, agriculture, governance