- María Deseada Esclapez Vicente
- Project Manager
- [email protected]
- +34902881510
- Spain
- Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo
- Other
DAM - Depuración Aguas del Mediterraneo S.L. (DAM) was formed as a service company in
Valencia in 1995. The main activity of the company focuses on the management of
sewage treatment plants and sanitation systems. The company is managing sewage from a
population of more than 8,000,000 inhabitants, with a volume of treated water exceeds
1,800,000 cubic meters each day.
From the beginning, the company has been continuously developing new activities related
with water treatment such as management of water supply systems, biosolids management
and recovery for improving organic fertilisers for agriculture, engineering, installation of
domestic wastewater works and submarine emissaries, cogeneration in energy recovery
facilities, anaerobic codigestion of wastes and studies and projects of research, development
and innovation, working together with various important institutions.
R&D projects have a significant impact on improving management and services offered by the
company, in both technological and environmental areas. The main fields in which DAM has
focused research and innovation activities are: microbiological control, energy-water nexus,
nutrient removal, recovery of nutrients and other added-value products, sewage sludge
valorisation and hygienisation, membrane treatment, codigestion, industrial wastewater
treatment, disinfection, safety and hygiene.
The company has led projects in European R&D programmes focused on the production of
sustainable fertilising products from local bio-based waste and focused on high-solids
anaerobic sewage sludge treatment. - Topic 1.1.1-2023 (IA) Integrated adaptive wastewater management plans in the Mediterranean region.
We propose to act as technology validators, providing test sites within the WWTPs managed by the company.
WWTP, testing site, technology testing and validation