- pHD researcher
- [email protected]
- 0021654184820
- Research Organisation (Public)
INRAT is an Agronomic Research Establishment under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research; INRAT is the leading Tunisian agricultural research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. With its 7 Lab, it acts as the front institution for scientific collaboration of multiple organisms, institutes and research groups. The staff of more than 130 specializes in agricultural and natural sciences, life sciences and engineering
- Topic 2.3.1-2023 (RIA) Assessing novel antimicrobial food packaging and coating materials to reduce food waste to improve safety in the Mediterranean food supply chain.
I am looking to join a consortium/looking for partners to submit a research project proposal to build a consortium on “Assessing novel antimicrobial food packaging and coating materials to reduce food waste to improve safety in the Mediterranean food supply chain.” We have experience with coating materials, extending shelf-life of meat products. We have also expertise on valorisation of agri-food by products, shelf-life determination, extending shelf-life of meat and dairy products.