- Lubna A. Ibrahim
- Dr.
- [email protected]
- +201065130042
- Egypt
- National Water Research Center (NWRC), Water Management Research Institute (WMRI)
- Research Organisation (Public)
The (WMRI) Water Management Research Institute established in 1975 as one of the oldest and leading institutes in Egypt and the Middle East in the field of water resources management and irrigation systems. WMRI has contributed in developing and proposing policies leading to an increase in the efficiency of using water resources on the national and international levels.
Developing water policies leading to more integrated management and efficient use of available water resources in old and new lands to provide and maintain water quality and quantity aiming to achieve water users’ satisfaction based on the environmental, economic, and social perspectives.
• Develop water management policies and strategies for the efficient use of water resources in terms of best management practices and optimum distribution of irrigation water.
• Determine and estimate actual crop coefficients, crop consumptive use, and crop water requirements under different climatic conditions for optimum agricultural water use.
• Develop innovative methods and systems of irrigation networks, rehabilitation, and modernization of surface irrigation.
• Develop and assess new treated wastewater management technologies and practices for irrigation considering its environmental, economic, and social aspects and,
• Identify, adopt, develop, and make available resources to improve information transfer on water resources management and technologies among different stakeholders. - Topic 1.1.1-2023 (IA) Integrated adaptive wastewater management plans in the Mediterranean region. | Topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA) New governance models to define best practices for sustainable water management and conflict mitigation.
- Topic 1.2.1-2023 (IA) Actions to restore and return degraded lands in the Mediterranean region into productive agroecosystems.
- Topic 1.3.1-2023 (RIA) Increasing agri-food supply chain (cereal) resilience in the MENA region.
- Topic 1.4.1-2023 (IA) Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.
Looking to join a consortium as a partner
climate change, wastewater treatment, remediation, multiple uses of water, integrated aquaculture agriculture (IAA), aquaponics, aquaculture wastewater management, compost, organic agriculture, water use efficiency, productivity, crop, diversity, brackish, and saline water for irrigation, and saline soil remediation. smart, IOT, Monitoring
We welcome cooperation with any country.