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- PI project
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- 01129559899
- Egypt
- national research center
- Research Organisation (Public)
An independent public organization in 1956, with the aim of “promoting basic and applied scientific research, particularly in industry, agriculture, public health and other sectors of the national economy.” It is the largest institution affiliated to the Ministry of Research in 1956, aiming for about 60% of the total number of scientists working in these institutions.
•NRC Possesses an impressive scientific & technological infrastructure and manpower resources of 4735 research staff.
•NRC consists of 14 Institutes and 109 Departments covering the major areas of industry, health, environment, agriculture, basic sciences, and engineering.
•NRC Is headed by a president with ministerial status, assisted by two vice presidents, one for research and the other for technical affairs. The minister of state for Scientific Research is the higher president of NRC.
The NR Chas correspond to the country’s key products and services sectors through the research conducted in different areas of science and technology, scientific consultation, and training as well. - Topic 1.1.1-2023 (IA) Integrated adaptive wastewater management plans in the Mediterranean region.
Industrial wastewater is a significant subject due to its negative effects on humans, environmental health and the economy. So many scientists and governments organizations are concentrating on water purification.
Researchers all over the world are focusing on biopolymers as eco-friendly adsorbent significantly biopolymers based nanocomposites such as nanometal oxides, magnetic nanocomposite, nanoclay composite, and carbonaceous nanomaterials, that have a large surface area, high chemical reactivity, great mechanical strength which might lead to enhanced water cleanup approaches. Nanocomposites of chitosan-based materials have attracted greater attention owing to their fascinating physical and chemical properties which may be used for water purification, removal of microorganisms (bacteria and chemicals), dyes, inorganic and organic contaminants, and heavy metals in wastewater treatment because of their binding action (adsorption, chelation, ion exchange). These nanostructured carbons and inorganic nanoparticles can improve the properties of chitosan.
The recent strategies focus on development of sustainable adsorbents for removal of pollutants from industrial wastewater. Chitosan was considered to be one of the most attractive biopolymers owing to its cationic properties. Chitosan is produced from sea crustacean exoskeletons (shrimps, prawns, crabs, lobsters, etc.)
Because of its non-toxicity, abundance, biodegradability and reactive functional group, it has been recommended as a good adsorbent for removing pollutants from wastewater, such as dyes, heavy metals and organic contaminants.
According to this context, the project aims to the following tasks: preparing different types of the chitosan nanocomposite, and its application as adsorbents for textile effluents from aqueous environments, the chitosan support combined with different nanomaterials such as magnetic nanomaterial, nanoclays and carbonaceous nanomaterial’s its application for water treatment. This project will also focus on development chitosan Nano composite with high mechanical strength and thermal properties in different forms. The characterization and the performance of these chitosan Nano composites in removal of pollutants are the major tasks which are contribution of this project target. -
chitosan, nano composite, industrial waste water