- farid herda
- Ag. Water Scientist At the National Agronomy Research Institue of Algeria
- [email protected]
- 0776049656
- Algeria
- National Agronomy Research Institue of Algeria
- Research Organisation (Public)
The INRAA is a research centre of the agriculture sector created in 1966; benefiting from the “Scientific and
Technical Public Establishment” status (EPST) set by Executive Decree No. 99-256. INRAA’s Research
activities, are anchored to six national priorities; Agriculture-Alimentation, biotechnology, water resources
management, development of arid, semi-arid areas and desertification. Agriculture-Alimentation priority is
covered extensively, focusing on priority products like cereals, legumes, Solanaceae (tomatoes, potatoes),
milk and its derivatives, as well as white and red meats. In addition, research in the field of food industries is
promoting agricultural value chains that generate high added-value such as date palm, olive oil and supports
agricultural and food by-products valorisation. INRAA has developed strategic activities at the continental
and regional (MENA) level with international institutions such as IAEA, ICARDA, FAO, European Union
and African Union. More than 40 international projects were completed by INRAA since 2007 plus 10
bilateral and regional partnership agreements. - Topic 1.1.1-2023 (IA) Integrated adaptive wastewater management plans in the Mediterranean region.
- Topic 1.3.1-2023 (RIA) Increasing agri-food supply chain (cereal) resilience in the MENA region.
- Topic 1.4.1-2023 (IA) Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.
collaboration in the consolidation of a proposal on agricullture water management and rural development
Water productivity , water efficiency , water harvesting , inclusive rural dvp,